FI Campus 2018 is an event for all ESIF financial instruments practitioners from across the EU. It is organised by the European Commission in partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB).
Online registration will close on Friday, 23 November 2018.
About the event
FI Campus 2018 will offer a comprehensive programme covering presentations about ESIF/EFSI combination and further opportunities offered by the Omnibus Regulation.
Speakers will include experts from the European Commission, the EIB as well as representatives from managing authorities, financial intermediaries and other involved authorities.
FI Campus 2018 participants will have the opportunity to create their own individual learning curricula, choosing from parallel sessions those of their particular interest:
- Case studies on ESIF financial instruments 2014-2020 in different Member States and regions for a number of Thematic Objectives, including practical examples of using opportunities of the new Omnibus Regulation to combine ESIF and EFSI resources,
- Workshops on key horizontal topics related to ESIF financial instruments 2014-2020,
- Discussion panels on the role of financial intermediaries,
- Also fund-specific sessions related to financial instruments under the:
- European Regional Development Fund (ERDF),
- European Social Fund (ESF),
- European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), and the
- European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
Additionally, there will also be ample opportunities to network and exchange experiences among the participants and invited experts.
Target group
Participants interested in ESIF financial instruments, in particular:
- ESIF authorities directly involved or considering to become involved in the implementation of ESIF financial instruments, as well as
- Bodies implementing or considering to implement financial instruments under ESIF programme and financial intermediaries.