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Become an EMN member

EMN aisbl is a network with the mission of promoting microfinance as an instrument in the fight against social and economic exclusion by developing self-employment and microenterprises in Europe. Such a mission cannot be carried out alone: therefore EMN is always interested in expanding the network and in taking in new members.

Who can join the network?

All organisations, institutions, or NGOs that meet the following criteria can join the network:

  • Their field of action covers a sector of the microfinance industry
  • Their interest in developing the microfinance industry in Europe is very clear
  • Their mission matches that of EMN.

Membership status

Practitioner members

  1. Social purpose organisations delivering or facilitating financial services to the underserved (MFIs or “practitioners”)

Partner members

  1. Organisations related to the microfinance sector that do not provide financial services to the underserved (are not MFIs or "practitioners")
  2. Partner members refers to the following organisations
    • Any organisation based in the EU that promotes and/or supports the development of the microfinance sector in Europe but is not a social purpose organisation delivering financial services to the undeserved, e.g. Universities and research bodies, consultants, foundations that don’t deliver financial services in Europe, etc.
    • Any organisation based outside the EU, Candidate Countries to the European Union and EFTA/EEA States that promotes and/or supports the development of the microfinance sector in Europe
    • National and/or international microfinance network organisations that promote and/or support the development of microfinance in general and in particular in Europe
    • Other non-social purpose organisations.

Corporate members

  • This can include banks or for profit MFIs that share dividends with stakeholders that deliver microfinance
  • The main aim is to build partnerships and relationships with financial and banking intermediaries to facilitate support to the network and encourage collaboration
  • These members sponsor the organisation's activities

Membership Application

Whatever the membership status, you have to be recommended by two current EMN members and be approved by the EMN Board of Directors.



The application has to include:

  • a membership request form (download the form)
  • a letter of motivation
  • the candidate organisation's latest annual activity report
  • the candidate organisation's latest financial report
  • recommendation letters from two current EMN members

The application has to be sent to EMN (, who will submit it to its Board of Directors for a final decision.

Membership benefits

As an EMN member, you can:

  • receive a price reduction to our Annual Conference - the highest profile event on financial inclusion and microfinance in Europe. The Conference is the perfect opportunity for members to network with peers, European partners, and potential investors and it also allows members to stay up to date on the evolution of the sector, regulations, good practices, innovation etc.
  • build a privileged relationship with the European Commission to co-design EU policy measures.
  • be informed first-hand about policy developments and funding opportunities.
  • access a range of products and services.
  • participate in the governance of the network and contribute to its strategic orientation.
  • be actively involved in advocacy and capacity building actions.
  • join a rich and diverse network that will help broaden your horizons.
  • make the most of the EMN bond and brand for your own development.
  • access many other services, according to your specific needs and our development.