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Annual Conference

Every year since 2004, EMN organises its Annual Conference, a major meeting in the sector’s agenda bringing together all its actors. Today, our conferences bring together around 250 participants with varying backgrounds, attract sponsors and investors along with EU representatives, and are a wonderful experience for information exchange and networking for everyone interested in European microfinance.


Roadmap to sustainability and inclusive development.
Microfinance as a Catalyst towards building stronger local communities.

The role of Microfinance is pivotal in empowering regional and local communities, foster cohesion and enhance cooperation. Key examples on how microfinance and cooperatives can improve access to housing, promote gender equity and equal opportunities, stimulate employment and (green) entrepreneurship as well as promote innovation.


European Microfinance Day Campaign

The European Microfinance Day Campaign was launched in 2015 as a tool to highlight the impact of the microfinance sector in Europe from a social and economic perspective.
The main objectives of the European Microfinance Day are:
  • To raise awareness among European citizens on the existence of microfinance and its value in fighting unemployment and social exclusion.
  • To draw the attention of European media to how microfinance works in Europe and how it supports and helps the unemployed and European citizens excluded from the traditional financial sector.
  • To exchange experiences within the European microfinance sector by giving visibility to the work of EMN members.
  • To allow local members to draw the spotlight on their achievements and their missions at the local level