Access to Microfinance for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Since April 2016, EMN has been an advisory partner in the “ATM for SMEs” project which has the aim of improving access to microfinance for small and medium enterprises.
The project title “ATM for SMEs – Access to Microfinance for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises” evokes the core idea which was developed by 10 partners, that of preventing financial exclusion and the lack of access to credit which, in fact, represent serious obstacles to business creation in many European regions. In this framework, the microfinancing of SMEs and the support to social entrepreneurship is an already tested and proven tool which can contribute to a high level of quality and sustainable employment, reducing disparities and poverty.
The “ATM for SMEs” project aims to improve access to microfinance in the participating regions by sharing and exchanging local knowledge on innovative solutions. The intensive interregional policy exchange and learning process will allow for the gathering of evidence on the feasibility of the good practices collected. It will also capitalise on the experience accumulated in the participating regions.
The "ATM for SMEs” consortium is led by Fejér Enterprise Agency (HU), and is characterised by a balanced proportion of managing authorities and microfinance institutions. The project has been approved in the framework of the cooperation programme, Interreg Europe, and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund with 1,622 million EUR.
Project information
Fejér Enterprise Agency (HU), Ministry for National Economy (HU), CEEI-Burgos (ES), KIZ Sinnova (DE), Zala County Foundation for Enterprise Promotion (HU), Region of Sardinia (IT), PORA Regional Development Agency (HR), Microfinance Norway (NO) until 2021, Marshal Office of Świętokrzyskie Region (PL), European Microfinance Network (BE)
Main outputs
9 regional action plans, 6 study trips, 9 improved policies, 6 new projects generated.
"Dare To Dream, Dare To Live!", a short film about microfinance
Project duration
04/2016 – 09/2022
ERDF funding
1,622,097 EUR
Nicola Benaglio
Senior Research Officer
Avenue des Arts 7-8, 1210 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: +32 2 329 00 36
Email: n.benaglio@european-microfinance.org
Don't miss any information about the ATM for SMEs project, consult the latest updates:
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Newsletter #8 568.17 KB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Newsletter #7 248.53 KB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Newsletter #6 1.11 MB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Newsletter #5 298.24 KB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Newsletter #4 4.8 MB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Newsletter #3 525.92 KB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Newsletter #2 1.2 MB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Newsletter #1 758.45 KB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Project booklet | April 2019 3.44 MB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Project booklet | November 2018 648.57 KB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Press Release #6 | Sixth study trip in Croatia 332.06 KB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Press Release #5 | Improving the access to microfinance 375.35 KB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Press Release #4 | Sandomierz Meeting 237.25 KB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Press Release #3 | Cagliari Meeting 877.42 KB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Press Release #2 | Oslo Meeting 641.07 KB
- insert_drive_fileATM for SMEs - Press Release #1 | Project message 400.19 KB
- insert_drive_fileFive case studies on the relationship between microfinance and the European Social Fund (ESF) 1.48 MB
- insert_drive_fileGood Practice | European Good Practices: ATM for SMEs Interreg Project’s Experience 3.81 MB
- insert_drive_fileCOVID-19: Supporting MSMEs amidst uncertainty 2.34 MB