Fejér Enterprise Agency has been dealing with microfinance for 25 years. The main objectives are to facilitate the establishment and development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in order to enhance their ability to provide employment and to boost economic activity.
The ANDC (Associação Nacional de Direito ao Crédito) is a not-for-profit microcredit association which was created in 1998. It aims to give excluded persons the possibility to create their own business through obtaining a microcredit.
One of the major differences that both organisation noticed exists between them is that ANDC works with volunteers. These volunteers work a few days per week and are a free service for customers. This provided FEA with some ideas about how their microcredit activities could be more sustainable. During the Peer-to-Peer session, fruitful discussions were held about how to implement the business development services with the microloans and how this can improve the customer's living conditions.
To find more about this productive meeting, please read the full report.