e-MFP just launched the report "Human Resource Development Practices in the Microfinance Sector". This publication, prepared by Cheryl Frankiewicz in collaboration with the Action Group, is the result of e-MFP's Human Resources Action Group, to which EMN contributes, and its research journey to map out the current landscape of Human Resource Development (HRD) practices among microfinance institutions and shed some light on the relationship between HR practices and MFI performance.
Considering HRD as an integral part of good business practices in MFIs and a critical success factor for financial institutions to be competitive in a changing and increasingly complex business environment, in November 2021, the HR Action Group launched a large-scale survey on the topic among MFIs worldwide. This report summarises the survey results providing an opportunity for MFIs to assess and reflect on their current HR practices and benchmark their practices with those of the sector. In this way, we hope the report can serve as an important tool for the financial inclusion sector encouraging discussion within MFIs and other stakeholders on HR practices and their implications in achieving both the institutions' and the sector's goals.