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EMN Annual Report 2019

Publication Annual report

Looking back on 2019, we can confidently say that it has been another great year for EMN and the European microfinance sector. On the advocacy front, the exchange of know-how that is at the heart of our mission has been more dynamic than ever, strengthening local attempts at structuring legislative frameworks such as in Bosnia, in Serbia, etc. At European level, EMN has spearheaded the sector’s endeavours towards greater recognition of its impact on the lives of those excluded by the traditional banking system. This led, for instance, to a microfinance lunch in the European Parliament, extensive input into the future EU budget framework, improvements to the Code of Good Conduct, and the further improvement of the EaSI programme.

These are but a few examples of EMN’s achievements in 2019 and are testimony to the diversity, dynamism, and abundance of fresh ideas traversing the membership, ideas that we humbly aim to structure and disseminate.

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