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New opportunity: Early Warning Mentoring for SMEs


The EU initiatives focused on supporting the creation of early warning mechanisms, including the mentoring of  companies in distress, are being developed to accompany member states and other stakeholders in the implementation of the EU Directive on preventive restructuring frameworks and second chance.
The Early Warning Europe Mentor Academy, or EWEMA, provides mentors with the knowledge, skills, competences and understanding that they need to help business owners to identify and manage risks through recognition, prevention and recovery strategies.

This comprehensive course is designed for both new and experienced mentors who want to learn how to better support SMEs at the risk of failure. The course also introduces different tools and techniques that are best suited to analysing problems and managing change within SMEs at risk of failure. Across the four modules, you will gain an understanding of the key factors associated with resilience, change, and business success and failure.

Check all the information at the dedicated page.

See also