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Who are our members?

Showing 13 from 13 results
Name Type Sort descending Country
Iccrea Banca Bank Italy
Cooperative Bank of Karditsa Bank Greece
MicroBank Bank Spain
Banca Etica Bank Italy
Millennium bcp Bank Portugal
Montpellier Business School (MBS) Academia France
AMFI Service providers to the microfinance sector Bosnia & Herzegovina
Singlify Service providers to the microfinance sector United Kingdom
European Savings Banks Group (WSBI-ESBG) Service providers to the microfinance sector Belgium
UNCAR Service providers to the microfinance sector Romania
Asociación Española de Microfinanzas Service providers to the microfinance sector Spain
AMIK - Association of Microfinance Institutions of Kosovo Service providers to the microfinance sector Kosovo
Microfinance Centre (MFC) Service providers to the microfinance sector Poland

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