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4 Oct

Webinar on the OECD's Better Entrepreneurship Policy Tool

Event Webinar

Presentation slides   Webinar recording

The European Microfinance network is thrilled to invite you to a very important webinar that will take place on the 4th of October at 11.00 a.m. Central European Time. This webinar will discuss the OECD-developed Better Entrepreneurship Policy Tool (BEPT). 

The BEPT is an online assessment tool developed by the OECD that covers social and inclusive entrepreneurship. Its purpose is to help organisations assess how good companies are in filling social gaps (also on a national level) and to better advocate for greater social and financial inclusion.
The online tool was first presented in a general way during an EaSI TA webinar on migrant entrepreneurship. During the session, OECD representatives Cynthia Lavison and Nathalie Laechelt will present the tool and case studies on social entrepreneurship. After, Autocupacio’s Guillem Aris will show specific examples related to entrepreneurship in Spain.
The webinar aims to expose MFIs to the needs of social entrepreneurship. The meeting will cover in depth the tool and concretely show what organisations can do with the assessment results.
The webinar aims to empower organisations by giving them more ownership and knowledge of advocacy matters and social gaps. Thanks to this webinar, organisations will have the necessary tools to have more information when meeting policymakers and to optimise their strategic planning. Once organisations have a better understanding of the social gaps that they are not filling but want to reach, they can plan new projects and fine-tune their strategies toward new goals.
Cynthia Lavison and Nathalie Laechelt will also be available for future focus webinars with interested organisations.


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One of the many functions of the European Microfinance Network (EMN) is to organise debates and webinars addressing a wide range of subjects pertinent to microfinance in Europe. These activities are a chance to foster an exchange of ideas among different partners, and contribute to spreading knowledge of microfinance throughout Europe.
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