“Empower! – Empowering Migrants in Professional Welfare & Economic Rights”


Feb 19 2025


InterContinental Athénée Palace ,Bucharest
We’re thrilled to invite you to “Empower! – Empowering Migrants in Professional Welfare & Economic Rights,” a webinar organized by PerMicro and facilitated by EMN, on February 19th 2025.

This session will showcase the impact and lessons learnt of the CEB-funded EMPOWER project for Extra-EU migrants in Italy. In one hour, we will reveal what has been done by an articulated team in the last two years in terms of mentoring, BDS and microcredit disbursement for migrants, but also in terms of employment orientation, grants for vocational training, recognition of university degrees. Two EMN members (PerMicro and MicroLab) will explain their role in the project and the lessons they have learned. The University of Milan Bicocca and CESPI (a research center specialized in the financial inclusion of migrants) will tell us about the situation of the financial inclusion of migrants in Italy and the major project outcomes.

Join us as key project partners share insights and key takeaways:

  •  Timothy Donato (Microlab) – EMPOWER Project Coordinator, specializing in self-employment, career guidance, and financial education.
  • Daniele Frigeri (CeSPI) – President of CeSPI and director of the National Observatory on Financial Inclusion of Migrants in Italy, with expertise in financial inclusion and remittances.
  • Aris Tufexis (University of Milan Bicocca & Open Impact) – Researcher in impact-project management and area manager for welfare and territorial development.
  • Filippo Chiesa (PerMicro) – Head of Social Impact Management, responsible for ESG, impact reporting, and social projects at Italy’s leading microcredit institution.

As partners in the EMPOWER project, these speakers will share their experiences, key lessons learned, and the broader impact of their work on migrant financial inclusion.

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