The European Microfinance Day was launched in 2015 as a tool to highlight the impact of the microfinance sector in Europe from a social and an economic perspective. For this fourth edition, EMN and MFC asked again their members to organise local-level activities to spread the meaning and purpose of microfinance.
More than 25 EMN & MFC members from 13 European countries joined the 4th European Microfinance Day, organising about 37 different local activities including events, seminars, debates, round tables… as well as social media campaigns, sending press releases and newsletters, video animations and special offers such as loan discounts and invitations to local branches (further details on outputs can be found below):
Brussels closing event
Additionally, after a third edition on which efforts were mainly focused on the members’ local actions, on Friday 26 October we reorganised the central Brussels event closing the campaign.
The event gathered around 100 attendees and included a debate in line with the theme of this 4th edition, as well as the launch of the private fund Helenos. In addition, the Brussels closing event was honoured with the presence of European Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen who gave the closing keynote speech
4th EMD theme: E=mc2
Breaking with previous trends, the 4th EMD was celebrated under a formula: E=mc2. Everybody is familiar with it, commonly linked to its creator, Albert Einstein. Nowadays Einstein’s photo is even synonymous of creativity, inspiration, imagination.
But, why E=mc2 as the tagline for the 4th European Microfinance Day? Adapting the formula to the sphere of microfinance: E stands for Entrepreneurship, Empowerment, Employment... which comes as a result of MicroCredit to the square.
It was not a simple equation to say the least. The access to microcredit as in financial services to the excluded from the traditional banking combined with non-financial services, such as mentoring, counselling, BDS, training... may have exponential effect on the beneficiaries’ situation and the society. Several illustrative examples of this can be easily identified in our members' impact studies.
This edition of the EMD wanted to put the focus on the impact that MFIs have in the financial and social inclusion of European citizens. In other words, to further support the MFIs in their activity to boost Entrepreneurship, Employment and Empowerment public policy needs to be designed taking into account the reality from the field. The support of innovative funding sources (either public or private) will be fundamental for the further & good development of the sector and creating new opportunities for the “missing entrepreneurs”.
Press Releases
19th October 2018: The sector calls for innovative funding sources to keep supporting entrepreneurship and employment
26th October 2018: Juncker Plan: new EUR 25 million fund benefits from first capacity building agreement in Europe to support microfinance providers
Members' Press Releases
- Amik - 19/10/2018: Dita Evropiane e Mikrofinancës i gjenë IMF-të kosovare të konsoliduara
- Business Enterprise Fund - 19/10/2018: BEF supports European Microfinance Day 2018
- Lider - 19/10/2018: 4th European Microfinance Day
- good.bee Credit - 19/10/2018: good.bee Credit is celebrating the 4th edition of the European Microfinance Day under the slogan “E=mc2 – the exponential impact of microcredit”
- Caixa Bank (MicroBank La Caixa) - 20/10/2018: Microcréditos que cambian vidas e impulsan la economía
- Mi-Bospo - 20/10/2018: MI-BOSPO obilježava Evropski dan mikrokreditiranja
- Nantik Lum - 20/10/2018: 4º Día Europeo de las Microfinanzas: inclusión financiera y creación de empleo
- Partner - 21/10/2018: Evropski dan mikrofinansiranja u Partner MKF
- Banca Etica - 22/10/2018: Giornata Europea Della Microfinanza - Fondi innovativi per sostenere imprenditorialita' e occupazione
The 4th EMD on Social Media

Local actions
Adie, France
We want to let people know that it is possible to create a micro-entreprise even if you do not have access to the traditional banking system. Adie can provide you funding and business development services - Charlotte Guillemot, Project Manager
Adie plans to organise to different but linked events:
- 15th of October in Echirolles: event in partnership with the National Agency of Employment (Pôle Emploi) targeting job-seekers/potential micro-entrepreneurs
- 18th of October in Troyes: group session to inform job-seekers/potential micro-entrepreneurs about Adie’s actions
Public targeted
Both events target job-seekers/potential micro-entrepreneurs
The promotion of the EMD will include a post on Adie’s website and a post on Twitter with a message dedicated to EMD (using the appropriate hashtag #2018EMD).
AgroInvest Fond, Serbia
Microfinance is a tool well used in the EU not only to reduce poverty but to instil innovativeness and entrepreneurial spirit in the population - Tatjana Antic Drca, Communication/Fundraising Manager
In order to promote the European Microfinance Day, Agroinvest plans to launch a campaign that will be coordinated between Serbia and Montenegro. Similar, yet, different activities, compliant to the regulatory frameworks and the situation on the market.
- Starting from 1st October, one Client Story to be posted on Facebook, website, stressing out the impact on clients, entrepreneurial skills, self employment etc
- Starting from 1st October, the Communication Kit will be put in place.
- Information to the stakeholders on the European Microfinance Day and that October is the month of the European microfinance
- On 19th or 22nd AgroInvest will organise a local event for the clients.
- For the lobbying efforts, AgroInvest will bring a journalist / financial analyst to the central event in Brussels. The journalist / financial analyst will take interviews, stories etc and will promote Microfinance in different media.
According to Tatjana Antic, "the action plan will cover all the stakeholders. Given the fact that the EU integration process is very important for the country, the messages will be focused on microfinance as a tool to reduce poverty and support entrepreneurs, self employment and the growth of country’s economy".
And she adds "promoting microfinance is promoting self employment, opportunities for the underserved. Microfinance brings investments to the country as there are funds in the EU that are aimed only for microfinance".
Public targeted
- Regulators
- Media
- Clients
- Partners
- Employees of AgroInvest
- General Public
AgroInvest will promote its campaign through mailings, social media channels and the press.
Alliance of Microfinance Organizations, Macedonia
With our activities, we will reach a wide range of current and potential microfinance clients as well as the general public, to stress the importance of the EMD and of fair microfinance - Goran Lazarevski,
The Alliance of Microfinance Organizations has planned several activities to celebrate the 4th European Microfinance Day:
- Disseminate the EMD poster on their website and Facebook page, as well as on the websites and Facebook pages of thier members.
- Publish a specially designed fact-sheet for this purpose, presenting key facts from impact studies together with data of achievements of their members.
- On Thursday 18th October: 30 minutes Facebook-live streaming show talking about Microfinance significance and the activities, with a focus on the EMD 2018 as well (this stream will be published making it visible to a wide audience)
- On Friday 19th October: they will host a country meeting with the Microfinance Centre, discussing future forms of cooperation and marking the 4th edition of the European Microfinance Day (will be published on website and Facebook page)
- In addition, we will host a round-table with relevant civil society organisations to discuss the principles of responsible lending and sustainable financing (also to be published on online platforms).
Public targeted
The Alliance of Microfinance Organizations wants to approach current and potential microfinance clients as well as the general public.
As indicated, the information will be disseminated through website and Facebook. And they will publish a specially designed fact-sheet presenting key facts from impact studies together with data of achievements of their members.
AMIK - Association of Microfinance Institutions of Kosovo
Amik, Kosovo
We want our audience to know the role of the microcredit for the Economy and therefore social and financial inclusion, and the contribution of Kosovo MFIs towards economic empowerment and financial inclusion - Arsim Brucaj,
AMIK has foreseen a local action consisting in a video animation that will be distributed starting from 16th of October 2018.
The content is inspired in the EMD theme, E=mc2 and highlights the Kosovo MFIs contribution to the economy and society. To date, Kosovo MFIs have served more than 550,000 clients covering all of Kosovo.
Public targeted
AMIK is addressing the general public- their beneficiaries. They also intent to attract media and policy makers.
This year the main channel that AMIK will use to disseminate its local action will be Facebook. Likewise, AMIK will share a press release on the 19th October through the main national media. This last will be accompanied by the visuals of the 4th EMD.
AMIK also plans to organise an interview with media focused on the work of MFIs in Kosovo and in the EU and linked to the EMD.
In addition, from 1st October AMIK and its members will communicate the EMD to its clients and stakeholders.
Banca Etica
Banca Etica, Italy
Banca Etica plans to organise a communication campaign consisting in, in the days around 20th October, sharing some microcredit stories on their social media channels. In addition, they plan to send a press release to Italian newspapers.
Public targeted
General public, public opinion, potential clients
Social media channels (Twitter, Facebook)
Business Enterprise Fund
United Kingdom
Business Enterprise Fund, United Kingdom
We are here to help the region’s businesses grow and flourish in ways that other lenders do not - Simon Jackson, Head of Investment
Business Enterprise Fund will disseminate a press release through its website on the occasion of the 4th European Microfinance Day, explaining, among others, why access to financial and non-financial services are so relevant to achieve social and financial inclusion.
Public targeted
General public and potential clients
Website and Twitter profile.
Microcredit and new entrepreneurship. A tool to promote new businesses in Central Sardinia
At the end of the event, attendees should be aware about the opportunities coming from Microcredit for the development and the start-up of their business - Emanuele Cabras, COOPFIN Director
A wider knowledge of the ATM for SME's Good Practises is one of the expected outcomes, as tools supporting local entrepreneurial development - Antonello Chessa, Region of Sardinia
The Autonomous Region of Sardinia - Regional Department for Planning as partner in ATM for SME's project, in cooperation with COOPFIN, the local university and other local stakeholders, will coorganise a seminar in Nuoro on the 26th of October, in the framework of the Interreg Europe project “ATM for SME's”.
The seminar aims at spreading the development of the project at local level by sharing the exchanged ATM for SME's good practices, and promoting microcredit as tool to support new small businesses in Central Sardinia.
Central Sardinia is an area characterised by high unemployment rates, especially among young and women, where microcredit could play a special role in enhancing financial and social inclusion.
A business idea competition will be launched addressed to young people and women wishing to create new micro cooperatives.
Public targeted
The seminar is addressed to at least 50 recently established micro businesses, young people and women located in Central Sardinia that could benefit from Microcredit to develop or start their business.
The event will be promoted mainly by social medias and by the direct channel of local stakeholders, especially local university and business associations. The local press will be involved as well.
(Update) The news concerning the event has been published on the following websites:
- https://confcooperative.nuoroogliastra.it/workshop-microcredito-e-nuova-imprenditoria-e-presentazione-concorso-di-idee-coope-venerdi-26-ottobre-nuoro/?fbclid=IwAR1rQK_QXO3nVbVWd1qIqL_z_qogm4pOasoWp46jjlIK7IFKjF7lA_lcYMs
- http://www.legacoop.nuoro.it/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3196&Itemid=1
- http://www.regione.sardegna.it/EuropeDirectSardegna/?p=1307
- http://www.coopfin.it/giornata-europea-del-microcredito-nuoro-26-ottobre-ore-10-00/
- http://www.nu.camcom.it/it/camera/informazione/notizie/cm-notizia/Nuoro-26-ottobre-Workshop-Microcredito-e-nuova-imprenditoria/?fbclid=IwAR1_rnvJZ9xHfU9mCoxWSyiO4TshI8i3yC-wNaJdd08NPEZSvhjHIMgWeS4
Microcredit Foundation, Bosnia and Herzegovina
MFI has a role to fill in a gap regarding finance availability to underserved population. That is the main purpose of MFI existence and should be implemented each day - Neven Bojanić, Marketing Manager
During the whole month of October, EKI will promote easier access to microfinance through their Relax loan. On the European Microfinance Day EKI will promote main message of the EMD:
- Posting information about the European Microfinance Day on the EKI website and Facebook page
- Post information in the October issue of EKI Bulletin (23.000 copies)
In addition, EKI will print and post posters in all offices.
Public targeted
Potential and existing clients, general public. EKI estimates that all mentioned channels could reach over 70.000 clients, who would receive some kind of information about the European Microfinance Day.
"EKI wants to show to its clients and the public that microfinance has important role in development of their businesses and improvements in their life", says Neven Bojanić, Marketing Manager at EKI.
As mentioned, EKI will promote its local action through its website, social media channels and the EKI Bulletin.
Fondazione Mons. Vito De Grisantis
Fondazione Mons. Vito De Grisantis, Italy
The event is meant as a speech about how Europe is facing challenges and is setting up initiatives to support vulnerable and financial excluded people - Matteo Solivo, Microfinanza Srl Researcher & advisor
The event organised on the occasion of the 4th European Microfinance Day, named The role of microfinance in the inclusion of non-bankable people will be hold on 22 October and will take place in Tricase, Italy. For the event, the Italian Microfinance Network has chosen a marginal territory, de finibus terrae, to show the importance of microfinance on marginal areas.
The event will last 5 hours and 15 minutes (coffee break and light lunch included), from 9.30 to 14.45, and will be split into interventions on 3 main areas.
- The first one will be spent on the opening of the 4th EMD and the welcome speech (15 mins).
- The second one will be dedicated to a panel discussion on the impact of microfinance on a marginal area for inclusion: this part will involve several players of the private and public sector and will last 2 hrs and 15 mins.
- The third one will be focused on the description of concrete experiences of inclusion (6 interventions, 10 mins each).
Public targeted
- Public institutions at national, regional and local level
- Practitioners, operators in the sector of microfinance
- General public, individuals interested to the subject.
The public targeted shall be a total of 180 - 200 people.
The event aims to raise awareness on microfinance as a tool to fight social and financial exclusion. In this edition RITMI, with Fondazione De Grisantis, will organise a round table that will involve different social actors from the area, the province of Lecce and in particular Capo di Leuca, linked to the international, national, regional and provincial reality.
As Matteo Solivo reminds, "the event is meant as a discussion on the impact that microcredit has on the concrete life of excluded people, a speech about how Europe is facing challenges and is setting up initiatives to support vulnerable and financial excluded people".
The overall objective is to draw the attention on how microfinance works in Europe and how Europe supports and helps the vulnerable population and those excluded from the traditional financial sector, especially in marginal territories. Another key point shall be explaining the coordinated work between EMN and the Italian Microfinance Network.
The event will be promoted through emails, websites of the institutions involved, social medias and a press release.
BCR Social Finance
good.bee Credit, Romania
Microfinance is a viable alternative to lending products offered by the banks - Laura David, Business Development and Product Management
From 20 to 27 October good.bee Credit IFN SA will celebrate in each branch the European Microfinance Day by offering clients signing a loan agreement promotional materials.
Three days prior to the event, good.bee Credit IFN will promote the event through a press release and social media campaign (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google +, Twitter) mentioning about the European Microfinance Day, the benefits of microfinance for small entrepreneurs in their development and how useful/needed non-financial services are in their activity.
Public targeted
good.bee Credit IFN SA target segment: small entrepreneurs, agricultural producers, authorised persons, individual enterprise, family enterprise, start-ups, etc. with limited access to financial products promoted by banks. In total, good.bee Credit IFN SA expects to reach about 100 clients.
With its local action, good.bee Credit IFN SA would like their audience to them to keep in mind that microfinance is a viable alternative to lending products offered by the banks:
- Increasing the awareness of microfinance institutions all over Romania and their importance in developing and sustaining clients` activity;
- Given the image some Financial Institutions promoting pay-day loans have in Romania (i.e. of totally unfair financing and incredible high APR) - they would like the public to make a clear distinction between the above-mentioned Financial Institutions and the MFIs
good.bee Credit IFN SA plans to promote the event via:
- its website
- social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google +, Twitter)
- press releases
- local good.bee Credit branches
Inpulse, Belgium
Helenos' objective is to improve access to tailored financial services for entrepreneurs, to create jobs and improve their well-being - Francesco Grieco, Communications Manager
Inpulse will organise on the 26th October in Brussels the launching ceremony of Helenos in the framework of the 4th European Microfinance Day. Helenos is the first private equity fund for inclusive finance in Europe. It supports the growth of promising greenfield, small and medium financial institutions targeting micro and social entreprises.
Inpulse's special event will follow the Brussels-based central event organised for the 4th EMD.
Public targeted
Representatives from
- Microfinance institutions
- European Institutions
- Investors
- Banks
- Microfinance Services providers
Approximately 80 people registered for the event.
Inpulse plans to promote the event via mailings.
KEPA – microSTARS Business Development Services Centers, Greece
- Country Meeting and Networking Event
- E = mc2: “Fighting for Social Exclusion and Unemployment in Europe”
Everyone should be able to have access to finance, a critical factor that may lead innovative ideas to business opportunities - Agni Pagouni, KEPA - Communications Manager
KEPA - microSTARS plan to organise on Tuesday 23rd October an afternoon event which will include two sessions:
- A Round Table Meeting: this will include participants from the European Commission, the European Investment Fund, the Hellenic Ministry of Economy, Cooperative Banks, and other organisations ¡also involved with microfinance services in Greece.
- An Open Meeting: this will honoured by the presence of speakers from the European Commission, the Hellenic Ministry of Economy, the European Investment Bank and the Microfinance Centre.
Main objectives tof this special event are:
- Dissemination of microfinance
- Clarifying the importance of microcredit as an alternative funding tool for everyone who has the entrepreneurship spirit
- Dissemination of latest news and updates on microfinance both in our country and abroad
- Gaining awareness and promote networking
Public targeted
Around -50-70 participants are expected, including
- Very small and small businesses
- Start ups
- Already existing clientele
- Journalists and mass media
- Regional and local public stakeholders
According to Agni Pagounis, "Business is for all and this should be the case for finance as well. We want to make microfinance heard and developed in our country, as we have been working hard to promote this alternative funding tool, not only to the public, but to governmental and various other stakeholders, as well".
KEPA - microSTARS plans to promote the event via website, social media, direct emails and involving the press (newspapers, radios, as communications sponsors)
They also plan to LiveStreaming of the event, and will promote the event through the local supporter “OKThess” to more than 3.000 recipients.
Watch the streaming!: https://www.livemedia.gr/4eumicrofinance
Find out more:
MicroCredit Foundation LIDER
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Lider, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Coinciding with the European Microfinance Day, Lider plans to share a press release through its webiste sharing the main insights announced by the joint EMN-MFC publication “Microfinance in Europe: Survey Report 2016-2017". Likewise, they will publish posts on its Facebook profile.
Public targeted
General public and potential clients
Website and Facebook page.
Mi-BOSPO, Bosnia and Herzegovina
We are more than glad that we continue to be a part of this campaign, and that we have a continuous chance to build a good reputation about microfinance sector and all the possibilities that we provide for our clients and for all the potential clients – Azra Berilo, PR Manager
Mi-Bospo will organise a communication campaign to celebrate the 4th European microfinance Day, with the purpose of raising awareness about microfinance sector in Europe and Bosnia and Herzegovina as well.
Public targeted
Mi-Bospo will address their clients, potential clients, young people who are planning their future, women entrepreneurs, as well as our employees.
Mi-Bospo would like their audience “to understand that microfinance is the best opportunity for those who are excluded from the traditional banking combined to improve their live”.
The promotion of the campaign will be done via the website & social networks, by text messages to MI BOSPO clients, and through direct meetings with their clients.
Mi-Bospo will create some video with their clients and we will request their followers to use the official campaign hashtag #2018EMD sharing our releases.
MicroBank La Caixa, Spain
Microcredit is essential for the start of a business: 56% of entrepreneurs financed by MicroBank La Caixa, says they could not have carried out their project without funding
MicroBank La Caixa will display a communication campaign coinciding with the 20th October on its Twitter profile and website, where they will publish a press release highlighting the achievements reached by the institution since its creation.
Public targeted
General public and potential clients.
MicroBank will disseminate the information on the 4th EMD throught its Twitter profile and website.
microStart, Belgium
On occasion of our local action, microfinance staff will sit together to exchange about how to serve at best microentrepreneurs and increase their impact in Brussels - Roxane Lemercier, Partnerships Manager
microStarts plans to organise a microfinance lunch to bring around the table the main actors working in the sector in Brussels. A perfect occasion to get to better know each other in order to increase our impact (exchange about way of working, communication coordination). Lunch will be organised at one of its customer’s place.
Public targeted
Staff from microfinance institutions working in Brussels: microStart expects around 20 persons.
microStart will advertise its local action sending invitations to the concerned staff. In addition, they will publish a post and a photo on Facebook.
Monte Credit
Monte Credit, Montenegro
Promoting microfinance is promoting self employment, opportunities for the underserved. Microfinance brings investments to the country as there are funds in the EU that are aimed only for microfinance - Svetlana Roganovic, CEO
In order to promote the European Microfinance Day, Monte Credit plans to launch a campaign that will be coordinated between Serbia and Montenegro. Similar, yet, different activities, compliant to the regulatory frameworks and the situation on the market.
- Starting from 1st October, one Client Story to be posted on Facebook, website, stressing out the impact on clients, entrepreneurial skills, self employment etc
- Starting from 1st October, the Communication Kit will be put in place.
- Information to the stakeholders on the European Microfinance Day and that October is the month of the European microfinance
- On 19th or 22nd Monte Credit will organise a local event for the clients.
- On 23rd October, MonteCredit, together with other MFIs will organise an official event to announce the organisation of the National network of MFIs. It will be done in the presence of the media and officials from the National Bank, the Ministry of Finance.
Monte Credit explains: "the action plan will cover all the stakeholders. Given the fact that the EU integration process is very important for the country, the messages will be focused on microfinance as a tool to reduce poverty and support entrepreneurs, self employment and the growth of country’s economy".
According to Svetlana Roganovic, "microfinance is a tool well used in the EU not only to reduce poverty but to instil innovativeness and entrepreneurial spirit in the population".
Public targeted
- Regulators
- Media
- Clients
- Partners
- Employees of AgroInvest
- General Public
Monte Credit will promote its campaign through mailings, social media channels and the press.
Nantik Lum, Spain
We must demand more information on microfinance as an alternative to traditional banking, as a tool to achieve financial and social inclusion - Fran Lores, Communications Manager
Nantik Lum plans to organise a communication campaign on social media channels and website. In addition, they will address the national media to publish an article on the microfinance sector mentioning the 4th European Microfinance Day.
Public targeted
General public, public opinion, potential clients
Social media channels (Twitter, Facebook), website, national newspaper (El País).
OMRO, Romania
We want to raise awareness about the importance of microfinance as a solution for developing their agri and non-agri businesses, for developing the local communities, for sustaining underserved and financially excluded people in rural and urban areas of Romania - Hermina Man, Project Manager
In order to promote the European Microfinance Day, OMRO intends to increase awareness of microfinance as a solution for financial exclusion among its clients and potential clients, among local communities and in the media, in Romania.
Public targeted
The main public targeted for promoting Microfinance Day are OMRO IFN SA clients and potential clients with agri and non-agri businesses.
OMRO will promote the event online (article on the website, on LinkedIn and Facebook pages), within the Branches and in the local media by sending a press release.
OMRO will prepare also clients testimonials which will be shared on company’s social media pages and website.
Opportunity Bank Serbia A.D.
Novi Sad,
Opportunity Bank Serbia (OBS), Serbia
We want to raise awareness about importance of microfinance - Mirjana Panin, Director of SPM and Communications
OBS plans to run a online communication campaign. On 8th October, OBS will publish a text on its website with the 4th European Microfinance Day banner, and also publish the information on its Facebook page and LinkedIn profile, using the poster in jpg format.
Public targeted
Social media audience (more than 6,000 followers on Facebook and more than 1,000 on LinkedIn) and website audience.
OBS will use as channels its online platforms: website and social media, where they plan to do some boost and sponsored posts to increase the impact and thus the reach of their messages.
Partner Microcredit Foundation
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Partner, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Partner provides access to microcredit products, both to individuals and to legal entities. We have made a significant contribution to overall economic recovery and state development. This year, we also proudly participate in the European Microfinance Day - Senad Sinanović, Director
Partner plans to organise a communication campaign on Facebook and website, where they will launch a press release to stress the common message around the 4th European Microfinance Day.
Public targeted
General public and potential clients
Partner will disseminate the information on the 4th EMD on its Facebook profile and website.
Patria Credit
Patria Credit, Romania
We support small agro farmers and small rural businesses with limited access to traditional banking products, offering easy and accessible financial products including loans up to 60.000 lei without guarantees and zero grant fee in order to sustain entrepreneurial efforts of rural clients and to increase their positive impacts in local community - Iliuta Jitaru, Head of Microfinance
In the context of the European Microfinance Day, Patria Credit will offer agro farmers and small rural businesses loans with zero grant fee, from a standard of 4.25%. The offer will be available between the 18th and 23rd of October, having in mind its vision to sustain entrepreneurial efforts of rural clients with easy and accessible financial products so as to increase their positive impact in local community.
Patria Credit understands customers and has embedded in the financing model flexibility and payment schemes adapted to harvest period. Moreover, Patria Credit finances customers in just a few days from application.
Public targeted
Patria Credit's aim is to offer specialised financial services to small agro farmers and small rural businesses with limited access to traditional banking products due to geographical and social profile limitations. They estimate a total of 50 to 100 beneficiaries of the offer.
Patria Credit will promote its special offer dedicated to European Microfinance Day through its branch network with dedicated POS materials such as posters and flyers.
They will have a press release and will also make use of online channels with Facebook sponsored posts and website posts.
Permicro, Italy
We wish to promote the microfinance culture and the importance of microcredit as a tool for the creation of new cross-cultural opportunities to develop a business - Giulia Boioli, Communications Manager
In Torpignattara, a multiethnic and popular district of Rome, stands BAZAR, a Kurdish-Neapolitan tavern financed by PerMicro.
The BAZAR team is made of four young people, two Kurds and two Italians, with various experiences in the catering and cooperation sectors: they believe in cooking as a vehicle of culture and integration. Bazar today offers traditional dishes from the Kurdish and Neapolitan tradition, as well as craft beer directly produced by one of entrepreneurs.
On the occasion of the European Microfinance Day, PerMicro will release on its social networks and website a brief documentary on the story of the birth of BAZAR: how did the four entrepreneurs meet? How does BAZAR look like? What kind of customers does it welcome? The purpose is to raise awareness on the theme of social, financial and cultural integration offered by microfinance.
Public targeted
Public target includes: institutions, partners, customers and prospect customers.
In the month of October PerMicro expects a +30% of the monthly average Social Media interaction.
With their local action, PerMicro plans to awaken the public about PerMicro’s activity and mission as well as to sensitise Italian people about the many positive ways of living the migration phenomenon: one of them is to believe in cultural co-existence and invest on its potential.
In order to increase the visibility of their local activity, PerMicro will publish a news on its website and will share a newsletter about the EMD and its significance
In addition, on the whole week 15th-21st October: release and promotion on PerMicro’s Social Media and website of the video-documentary.
Qredits, Netherlands
It is hard work making your dreams come true. Qredits provides microcredit & mentoring to help make your dream a reality. Which entrepreneur that you know deserves to be recognised? - Evelyne Oprel, International Relations Manager
During the month of October Qredits will be featuring the story of one of our entrepreneurs. A story of highs and lows, but also of perseverance thanks to the combination of microcredit and mentoring.
During the campaign Qredits will be asking people to share our post on social media and tag someone they know who has a similar story and went through a lot to make their dream come true and did so through a small loan and mentoring.
The winner will receive a dinner gift card from a Qredits entrepreneur in their area!
Public targeted
Entrepreneurs – young and old trough Social Media. In addition, Qredits will be tracking how many shares and likes and tags.
Qredits plans to promote the event via Social Media, the Intranet and Television screens throughout Qredits (European) offices.
RITMI, Italy
The event is meant as a speech about how Europe is facing challenges and is setting up initiatives to support vulnerable and financial excluded people - Matteo Solivo, Microfinanza Srl Researcher & advisor
The event organised on the occasion of the 4th European Microfinance Day, named The role of microfinance in the inclusion of non-bankable people will be hold on 22 October and will take place in Tricase, Italy. For the event, the Italian Microfinance Network has chosen a marginal territory, de finibus terrae, to show the importance of microfinance on marginal areas.
The event will last 5 hours and 15 minutes (coffee break and light lunch included), from 9.30 to 14.45, and will be split into interventions on 3 main areas.
- The first one will be spent on the opening of the 4th EMD and the welcome speech (15 mins).
- The second one will be dedicated to a panel discussion on the impact of microfinance on a marginal area for inclusion: this part will involve several players of the private and public sector and will last 2 hrs and 15 mins.
- The third one will be focused on the description of concrete experiences of inclusion (6 interventions, 10 mins each).
Public targeted
- Public institutions at national, regional and local level
- Practitioners, operators in the sector of microfinance
- General public, individuals interested to the subject.
The public targeted shall be a total of 180 - 200 people.
The event aims to raise awareness on microfinance as a tool to fight social and financial exclusion. In this edition RITMI, with Fondazione De Grisantis, will organize a round table that will involve different social actors from the area, the province of Lecce and in particular Capo di Leuca, linked to the international, national, regional and provincial reality.
As Matteo Solivo reminds, "the event is meant as a discussion on the impact that microcredit has on the concrete life of excluded people, a speech about how Europe is facing challenges and is setting up initiatives to support vulnerable and financial excluded people".
The overall objective is to draw the attention on how microfinance works in Europe and how Europe supports and helps the vulnerable population and those excluded from the traditional financial sector, especially in marginal territories. Another key point shall be explaining the coordinated work between EMN and the Italian Microfinance Network.
The event will be promoted through emails, websites of the institutions involved, social medias and a press release.
UniCredit, Italy
We expect to transmit with our local action how much a micro-entrepreneur can benefit from our microcredit service model (Social Partner + UC Network + Volunteer) - Paul Steven Anthony Crabtree, Microfinance Head
UniCredit Spa plans to organise on 19th of October the first national convention of the volunteer association (named UniGens) promoted by UniCredit Spa and made up of current and former UniCredit Group employees.
The event will take place in Milan with the participation of its CEO.
A dedicated slot in the convention’s agenda will be dedicated to share the importance of the professional support provided by the volunteers to the financed microentrepreneurs in the start-up phase of their business venture (i.e., 18-24 months).
UniCredit will also involve some of its Social partners who will share their experience in supporting micro-entrepreneurs in developing their business idea.
Public targeted
- UniGens associates
- UniCredit selected colleagues
- External guests:
- Social Partners (e.g. Foundations, Trade associations)
- Schools representative
Approximately 800 people invited (600 live + 200 via call conference).
UniCredit plans to promote the event via:
- Internal Communication via Group Intranet
- External communication via UniGens website
- Press release describing the event and the foreseen developments of the association
The EMD on the European media
4th European Microfinance Day
Για 4η συνεχή χρονιά, το European Microfinance Network (EMN) και το Microfinance Centre (MFC) σε συνεργασία με τα μέλη τους, προγραμματίζουν την επόμενη Ευρωπαϊκή Ημέρα Μικροχρηματοδοτήσεων, απευθυνόμενοι σε όλους τους Ευρωπαίους πολίτες, τους τοπικούς επιχειρηματίες και καταναλωτές, τους πολιτικό-οικονομικούς παράγοντες της εκάστοτε κοινωνίας, τους διαμορφωτές της κοινής γνώμης και σε όσους ενδιαφέρονται να ανοίξουν νέους ορίζοντες.
Συνέντευξη Παρασκευά Βασιλική
News and talk with Greek pop and rock music; located from Neo Rysio.
Συνέντευξη Στάμκου Νεοκλή
Athens-Macedonian News Agency and Thessaloniki International Fair radio station
4th European Microfinance Day
Η εν λόγω πρωτοβουλία εστιάζει στην ευαισθητοποίηση του κοινού σχετικά με τις Μικροπιστώσεις, ως εργαλεία τα οποία δύνανται να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την αντιμετώπιση της ανεργίας και του κοινωνικού αποκλεισμού.
Ευρωπαϊκή Ημέρα Μικροχρηματοδοτήσεων στις 23 Οκτωβρίου
Σκοπός της φετινής εκδήλωσης είναι η ενημέρωση σχετικά με την έννοια των μικροπιστώσεων στην Ελλάδα, εν αναμονή των αλλαγών του θεσμικού πλαισίου στη χώρα μας για τις μικροχρηματοδοτήσεις.
OMRO IFN SA celebrates the European Microfinance Day
OMRO susține microfinanțarea și se alătură inițiativei europene lansată de European Microfinance Network (EMN) și Microfinance Centre (MFC) și sărbătorește în 20 octombrie, Ziua Microfinanțării, alături de clienții săi.
The demand for micro-loans in Europe is rising
Την αυξανόμενη ζήτηση για μικροδάνεια στην Ευρώπη επιβεβαιώνει έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικτύου Μικροχρηματοδοτήσεων (EMN) και του Κέντρου Μικροχρηματοδοτήσεων (MFC) για το 2017-2018, τα αποτελέσματα της οποίας θα παρουσιαστούν αναλυτικά στη διάρκεια εκδήλωσης με θέμα «E=mc2 – Fighting for Social Exclusion and Unemployment in Europe», στις 23 Οκτωβρίου, στη Θεσσαλονίκη.
OMRO IFN S.A. sărbătorește Ziua Europeană a Microfinanțării
În fiecare an, ziua europeană a microfinanțării își propune să atragă atenția întreprinzătorilor cu privire la existența pe piață a microfinanțării, impactului acesteia în combaterea șomajului și excluziunii sociale, să asigure un cadru care să faciliteze schimbul de experiență în domeniul microfinanțării din Europa și să susțină activitatea instituțiilor financiare din domeniu.
Αυξάνεται η ζήτηση για μικροδάνεια στην Ευρώπη
Την αυξανόμενη ζήτηση για μικροδάνεια στην Ευρώπη επιβεβαιώνει έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικτύου Μικροχρηματοδοτήσεων (EMN) και του Κέντρου Μικροχρηματοδοτήσεων (MFC) για το 2017-2018, τα αποτελέσματα της οποίας θα παρουσιαστούν αναλυτικά στη διάρκεια εκδήλωσης με θέμα "E=mc2 - Fighting for Social Exclusion and Unemployment in Europe", στις 23 Οκτωβρίου, στη Θεσσαλονίκη.
OMRO IFN S.A. sărbătorește Ziua Europeană a Microfinanțării
Anul acesta, ziua de 20 octombrie nu va avea un slogan ci va avea la bază faimoasa ecuație E=mc2. Toată lumea este familiarizată cu această formulă dezvoltată de Albert Einstein, al cărui nume ne duce mereu cu gândul la creativitate, inspirație, imaginație.
Ziua Europeană a Microfinanțării, sărbătorită în România de good.bee Credit (P)
good.bee Credit IFN S.A. membră a grupului ERSTE, celebrează Ziua Microfinanțării oferind persoanelor interesate de finanțare credite flexibile, fără avans, fără garanţii și ușor de accesat pentru investiții, capital de lucru și mixt, atât pentru producătorii agricoli, cât și micii antreprenorii din zonele rurale și urbane.
4η Ευρωπαϊκή Ημέρα Μικροχρηματοδοτήσεων
Τα Κέντρα Υπηρεσιών Επιχειρηματικής Ανάπτυξης microSTARS και το ΚΕΠΑ, συμμετέχουν ενεργά και στη φετινή καμπάνια, με την διεξαγωγή εκδήλωσης στην Ελλάδα με θέμα "Ε = mc2 - Fighting for Social Exclusion and Unemployment in Europe".
Σκοπός της φετινής εκδήλωσης είναι η ευαισθητοποίηση και ενημέρωση του κοινού για την έννοια και τον θεσμό των μικροπιστώσεων στην Ελλάδα.
OMRO IFN S.A. sărbătorește Ziua Europeană a Microfinanțării
”Ne bucurăm să ne alăturăm inițiativei EMN și MFC în acest an și să sărbătorim Ziua Europeană a Microfinanțării. Ne dorim să fim aproape de micii întreprinzători, să le oferim soluțiile financiare de care au nevoie, să sprijinim afacerile, să contribuim la transformarea vieții lor, a familiilor lor și a comunităților în care trăiesc.” a declarat János Bereczki, Director General OMRO IFN S.A.
The demand for micro-loans in Europe is rising
Την αυξανόμενη ζήτηση για μικροδάνεια στην Ευρώπη επιβεβαιώνει έκθεση του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικτύου Μικροχρηματοδοτήσεων (EMN) και του Κέντρου Μικροχρηματοδοτήσεων (MFC) για το 2017-2018, τα αποτελέσματα της οποίας θα παρουσιαστούν αναλυτικά στη διάρκεια εκδήλωσης με θέμα «E=mc2 – Fighting for Social Exclusion and Unemployment in Europe», στις 23 Οκτωβρίου, στη Θεσσαλονίκη.
Giornata europea della microfinanza Fondi innovativi per sostenere imprenditorialità e occupazione
Il 20 ottobre si celebra la giornata europea della microfinanza, un'iniziativa del Microfinance Centre (MFC) e di European Microfinance Network (EMN) di cui fa parte anche Banca Etica.
Microfinanzas que cambian vidas
El pasado 20 de octubre se celebró el 4º Día Europeo de las Microfinanzas, una fecha para reivindicar más información sobre las microfinanzas como alternativa a la banca tradicional, especialmente para aquellas personas que buscan mejorar sus condiciones de vida con la creación de un pequeño negocio.
Giornata Europea per la microfinza
Presso la sala del trono di Palazzo Gallone a Tricase (Le), come unica tappa italiana, si celebrerà la "Giornata Europea per la microfinanza", che mira a sensibilizzare sulla microfinanza per combattere l'esclusione sociale e finanziaria, di cui un territorio deve sentirsi responsabile. Conduce la serata Don Lucio Ciardo.
Τι θα προβλέπει το νομοσχέδιο για μικροπιστώσεις
Στο αμέσως προσεχές διάστημα θα τεθεί σε δημόσια διαβούλευση το σχέδιο νόμου για θεσμικό πλαίσιο περί μικροπιστώσεων στην Ελλάδα, με στόχο να έχει ψηφιστεί μέχρι το τέλος του έτους από την ελληνική Βουλή.
Ziua Europeană a Microfinanțării, sărbătorită în România de good.bee Credit
Începând cu 2015, la inițiativa comună a European Microfinance Network și Microfinance Center, microfinanțarea sărbătorește, în fiecare 20 octombrie, propria Zi Europeană.
Scopul Zilei Microfinanțării Europene (ZME) este de a crește conștientizarea asupra uneltei de mare putere pe care o reprezintă aceasta în lupta împotriva excluderii sociale și a șomajului.
Ziua Europeană a Microfinanţării, sărbătorită în România de good.bee Credit
good.bee Credit este o instituţie activă în microfinanţarea din România şi un membru implicat atât a European Microfinance Network cât şi al Microfinance Center.
Θεσσαλονίκη: Στην τελική ευθεία η δημιουργία του Ταμείου Μικροπιστώσεων
Στην τελική ευθεία βρίσκεται η νομοθέτηση του θεσμικού πλαισίου για τις Μικροπιστώσεις στην Ελλάδα, που θα σηματοδοτήσει και τη λειτουργία του Ταμείου Μικροπιστώσεων στη χώρα μας, που έχει προαναγγείλει η κυβέρνηση.
The draft of the law on microcredit is expected to be finished by the end of 2018
Μέχρι το τέλος του 2018 είναι στόχος να ψηφιστεί από την ελληνική Βουλή το σχέδιο νόμου για το νομικό και θεσμικό πλαίσιο των μικροχρηματοδοτήσεων στην Ελλάδα, ανοίγοντας τον δρόμο για τη δημιουργία Ταμείου Μικροπιστώσεων και τη λειτουργία νέου μηχανισμού δανειοδότησης, που θα προσφέρει κεφάλαια ύψους έως 25.000 ευρώ σε μικρές επιχειρήσεις, αλλά και σε άτομα συνήθως αποκλεισμένα από την “κλασική” τραπεζική χρηματοδότηση, όπως οι άνεργοι και άλλες μειονεκτούσες ομάδες.
Ziua Europeană a Microfinanțării, sărbătorită în România de good.bee Credit
„good.bee Credit este instituția specializată care îi sprijină să-și desfășoare și să-și extindă activitățile profitabile, oferindu-le acces la micro-împrumuturi”, a explicat dl. Oleg Moraru, director operațiuni al good.bee Credit IFN SA.
Ziua Europeană a Microfinanțării, sărbătorită în România de good.bee Credit
Cea de-a patra ediție a ZME este sărbătorită de aproximativ 20 de membri ai ambelor rețele (din 11 țări europene) care sunt implicați în mai mult de 25 acțiuni pe parcursul lunii octombrie. Scopul lor este acela de a sensibiliza publicul larg, factorii decizionali politici și a mass-mediei asupra impactului pe care instituțiile de microfinanțare le au asupra incluziunii financiare și sociale a cetățenilor europeni.
Plan Juncker : un nouveau centre commercial à Séville et un nouveau fonds pour soutenir les institutions de microfinance
(...) à l'occasion de la quatrième journée européenne de la microfinance et en présence du Vice-Président Jyrki Katainen, responsable de l'emploi, de la croissance, de l'investissement et de la compétitivité, le Fonds européen d'investissement (FEI) et le fonds Helenos...
The demand for micro-loans in Europe is rising
Σκοπός της φετινής εκδήλωσης είναι η ευαισθητοποίηση και ενημέρωση του κοινού για την έννοια και τον θεσμό των μικροπιστώσεων στην Ελλάδα, εν αναμονή των αλλαγών του θεσμικού πλαισίου στη χώρα μας για τις μικροχρηματοδοτήσεις.
Ziua Europeană a Microfinanţării, sărbătorită în România de good.bee Credit
Începând cu 2015, la iniţiativa comună a European Microfinance Network şi Microfinance Center, microfinanţarea sărbătoreşte, în fiecare 20 octombrie, propria Zi Europeană. Scopul Zilei Microfinanţării Europene (ZME) este de a creşte conştientizarea asupra uneltei de mare putere pe care o reprezintă aceasta în lupta împotriva excluderii sociale şi a şomajului.
Microfinance is important for the development of the economy
Европски Дан микрофинансирања свечано је обележен у Бриселу 26. октобра, у организацији Европске микрофинансијске мреже и Центра за микрофинансирање. Тим поводом одржани су панели на којима је закључено да микрофинансирање остварује изванредан ефекат на кориснике микрокредита, али и на друштво у целини.
European Microfinance Day
20.oktobra je 4.godinu za redom obeleležen EMD – Evropski dan mikrofinansiranja u većini evropskih zemalja. Cilj je inicijalno bio podizanje svesti u javnosti o značaju mikrofinansiranja kao načina za finansiranje i podršku mikro i malih preduzeća, samim tim i rast zaposlenosti putem preduzetništva.
«Το θεσμικό πλαίσιο για τις μικροπιστώσεις στο επίκεντρο της εκδήλωσης του ΚΕΠΑ και των Κέντρων microSTARS, που διεξήχθη την Τρίτη 23 Οκτωβρίου 2018 στο OK!Thess»
Ιδιαίτερη αίσθηση προκάλεσε η εκδήλωση που διοργάνωσε το ΚΕΠΑ μέσω των τα Κέντρων Υπηρεσιών Επιχειρηματικής Ανάπτυξης microSTARS, στο πλαίσιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ημέρας Μικροπιστώσεων την Τρίτη 23 Οκτωβρίου 2018, στο Οικοσύστημα Καινοτομίας Θεσσαλονίκης OK!Thess.