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Supporting the development of tailored learning provision in the implementation of "Upskilling Pathways”

Call Call for proposals

The overall objective of this call, in line with the two calls published in 2017 (VP/2017/011) and 2018 (VP/2018/008) is to support participating countries in implementing the Upskilling Pathways Recommendation by putting in place coherent pathways comprising the three key steps: skills assessments; provision of a tailored, flexible and quality learning offer; and validation and recognition of skills acquired.

The specific objective of this call is to support the deployment of a tailored, flexible and quality learning offer for low-skilled / low-qualified adults (and where relevant for priority groups identified by countries in the framework of the Recommendation).


Proposals must be centred around the following activities:

  • Enlarging the scale or scope of existing tailored learning provision for low-skilled / low-qualified adults that is considered to be effective (e.g. to cover a different low-skilled/ low-qualified target group); OR
  • Adapting existing learning provision to the needs of low qualified / low skilled individuals or priority groups as defined by countries, where relevant (e.g. embedding basic skills training, use tailored teaching methods); OR
  • Developing new tailored learning provision (if duly justified by the lack of appropriate existing provision) for low qualified / low skilled individuals or priority groups as defined by countries, where relevant (e.g. designing new modularised curricula for basic skills education) and/or testing it on a scale that allows conclusions to be drawn about its effectiveness.

In general, proposals must be centred around activities ensuring that the three Upskilling Pathways steps are available to low skilled and /or low qualified adults, including priority groups as defined by countries, where relevant. Therefore, skills assessment and mechanisms for validation of skills, appropriately linked to the tailored offer of learning, are essential to the design of the activities to be funded.

Eligibility of applicants

Mono applicants must be public entities that are in charge of (meaning have the responsibility for) the definition and/or implementation of national or regional policies for upskilling/re-skilling adults (e.g. governmental authorities, public agencies, regional public authorities etc.).  Local authorities are excluded as mono applicants, but could be part of a consortium. 

Lead applicants (in case of consortia) or co-applicants must be public or private entities (profit or non-profit making) in charge of – or involved in (meaning having a degree of responsibility for, or influence over) - the organisation and/or financing and/or provision of educational services to adults such as skills assessment, validation of competences, education and training, orientation and guidance. If the lead applicant is not a public entity in charge of national or regional policies and actions for upskilling/reskilling adults, such an entity must be at least a co-applicant or associated entity in the consortium of the proposal submitted.

In the case of an action to be implemented by a transnational consortium, the application must make clear which country will be the focus country of the project. A focus country is the country in which each project's activities should be concentrated – and this should be clearly defined in the proposal.

See also