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Annual reports

The EMN Annual Report offers our members and other interested parties information about the network's action plan, activities and financial performance throughout the preceding year.

EMN Annual Report 2018

2018 has been a year in which our activities have significantly increased, enhancing the collaboration with our members and our main partners.

Download: Annual Report 2018

EMN Annual Report 2017

In 2017, EMN welcomed 27 new members which brings our total to 108. Throughout this year, EMN worked hard to better represent the interests of our members and the microfinance industry in Europe as a whole.

Download: Annual Report 2017

EMN Annual Report 2016

Throughout 2016, EMN continued to increase its activities in order to better represent the interests of the microfinance industry in Europe and, in a period of constant evolution of the sector, EMN has succeeded in delivering a variety of impactful activities.

Download: Annual Report 2016

EMN Annual Report 2015

Throughout the European Year for Development 2015, EMN continued to increase its advocacy efforts, encouraging greater participation and promoting best practices across the European microfinance community, to ensure that our sector rightly plays a role in social and financial inclusion.

Download: Annual Report 2015

EMN Annual Report 2014

During the 2014 European Year of Citizenship, EMN has continued to work hard on advocacy, encouraging greater participation and promoting best practices across the European sector, to ensure that microfinance rightly plays a role in social and financial inclusion and is a key support tool for underserved populations: in line with the 2014 European Year theme and in accordance with the EU 2020 strategy, EMN activities focused on promoting and enhancing social and financial inclusion among this EU citizenship.

Download: Annual Report 2014 

EMN Annual Report 2013

2013 was the “European Year of Citizens”, dedicated to the rights that come with EU citizenship. In line with the 2013 European Year theme and in accordance with the EU 2020 strategy, EMN activities focused on the rights that come with EU citizenship, particularly on social and financial inclusion and the role of microfinance for migrants.

2013 was a significant year for the development of the European Microfinance Network for several reasons, and as a result of various activities and performances.

Download: Annual Report 2013

EMN Annual Report 2012

2012 was a significant year for the development of the European Microfinance Network in all three of the areas outlined in EMN’s strategic plan for 2011-2013.

EMN’s internal organisation was enhanced with a fully staffed secretariat, the network has continued to grow with the inclusion of 8 new members, and the external role of EMN in the coordination and improvement of microfinance practices was more relevant than ever.

Download: Annual Report 2012

EMN Annual Report 2011

2011 was a significant year for the development of the European Microfinance Network in all three of the areas outlined in EMN’s strategic plan for 2011-2013.

EMN’s internal organisation was enhanced by a larger secretariat and an updated website, our network continued to grow with the inclusion of 11 new members, and the external role of EMN in the coordination and improvement of microfinance practices was more relevant than ever.

Download: Annual Report 2011

EMN Annual Report 2010

The growing membership of EMN and its diversity highlights the recognition of the network’s work in the microfinance sector in Europe. Supporting development and providing technical and organisational assistance to its members continue to be priorities for EMN.

The network also relied on the exchange of good practices and transparency among all European players.

Download : Annual Report 2010