The PLOUTOS project (cooPeration for achieving third country nationaLs’ financial independence thrOUgh financial liTeracy tOols and entrepreunerShip bootcamps) is an AMIF-funded initiative that gathers a consortium of 11 partners from 7 EU member states (Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Sweden). The consortium includes two Universities, two SMEs, one Banking, one Microfinance Association, one Public authority representative and 4 NGOs.
This multi-stakeholder consortium aims to equip Third Country Nationals with skills and tools that will enable their transition from “outsiders” to “insiders” in their new communities. By reducing obstacles, promoting access to vital services, and providing TCNs nationals with the know-how, knowledge and, thus, self-confidence necessary, the project empowers TCNs to forge their entrepreneurial skills and become productive members of society.
- The PLOUTOS project aims to improve TCNs’ access to financial services via:
- A business language course in the languages of the partner countries;
- A financial literacy course in the languages of the partner countries;
- A course on community interpreting in English, addressed to people already offering this service without having had any professional training (including TCNs residing in the host country for more than three years, second-generation TCNs, employees of financial service providers and NGOs);
- “Practice business” acceleration programme enabling practical training of TCNs in applying their financial literacy skills on the job
- Multi-lingual technical tools offered TCNs with business training & access to microfinance in any EU country through the 96 members of the European Microfinance Network, thus lifting cultural and administrative burdens.
The European Microfinance Network leads the project’s communication and contributes to curriculum content development and the desk research performed at the beginning of the project.
Click here to know more about PLOUTOS.