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Fundraising for Microfinance

Working group Think Tanks

Description of the workplan/activities to be implemented

Through this Think Tank, EMN is:

  • Mapping different experiences and different ways EMN organises itself in relation to fundraising.
  • Sharing these with the Network (learning from others)
  • Working on a database that summarises the costs of funding, bank and non-bank (interest rate, duration, deal structure, …)
  • Identifying some areas where the Network could jointly invest (i.e. donations, crowdfunding, …)
  • Systematically ‘selling’ the microfinance sector to potential investors, once MFI needs and requirements have been identified
  • Designing projects for collaboration between EMN members that could be the object of external finance for the sector.


To share best practices related to fundraising activities and to identify areas of mutual interest that could be better investigated under the EMN umbrella.

This is also in line with EMN's new efforts to promote partnerships and to open lines of communication with potential funders in the interest of members (see the new Partnerships Manager role launched in early 2017). Particularly those in Western European countries that are looking for growing visibility amongst investors, donors, financial institutions, etc.

Expected outputs

  • Compilation of five best practices on fundraising for microfinance to be shared with the network members
  • Database of potential investors/donors for the sector and related projects
  • Design of two collaborative projects within the membership that could be the object of external funding
  • One workshop during the 2018 or 2019 Annual Conference.
  • Two webinars

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Working Groups

EMN organises Working Groups to strengthen the involvement of its members in the Network. The activities carried out by the different Working Groups are very diverse: organisation of workshops, elaboration of research papers, publications, creation of new tools for microfinance management, etc.
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